General Tools Award Committee
Committee members serve a term of three years, with the final year as chair of the committee. Each year one member rotates off and a new member is appointed by SIA's President and approved by the Board of Directors.
The General Tools Award is the highest honor the SIA can bestow. The award recognizes individuals who have given sustained, distinguished service to the cause of industrial archeology and is presented at the SIA’s annual business meeting.
General Tools Award Selection Committee
Chair: Patrick Harshbarger
Fred Quivik
David Simmons
Eric DeLony Industrial Heritage Preservation Grant Fund Committee
To advise the SIA Board on the selection of Eric DeLony Industrial Heritage Preservation Grant Fund ('DeLony Grants'). All recommendations are to be submitted to the Board for its approval.
The Society for Industrial Archeology offers Industrial Heritage Preservation Grants from $1000 to $3000 for the study, documentation, recordation, and/or preservation of significant historic industrial sites, structures, and objects. Awards are made to nonprofit organizations and qualified individuals. Contributions of in-kind services, as well as cash resources from the sponsoring and cosponsoring agencies may qualify for matching purposes. Funds may be used for a range of projects including, but not limited to: increasing public awareness of preservation efforts, photography, videography, preparing inventories and developing measured drawings of extant significant industrial sites, structures, maritime facilities and industrial artifacts. Grant recipients must agree to prepare a written summary of their project suitable for publication in either the SIA Newsletter and/or for Industrial Archeology, the Society's scholarly journal.
Grant policy & application process
Committee Members
Duncan Hay (Primary Contact)
Suzanne Wray
Paul White
Local Chapters Committee
Mission as established by SIA bylaws:
The Board shall appoint a chairperson of the Local Chapters Committee to maintain liaison with the Society's local chapters, and to keep a current file of adopted bylaws, annual financial reports, and minutes and activity reports of each chapter. The chairperson shall make an annual composite report of the state of the chapters to the Board, and to the Society's membership in a manner set forth by the Board.
a) Establishment. The Board may establish local chapters upon the formal written petition of a minimum of twelve (12) members in good standing of the Society. The petition shall include proposed Bylaws outlining the function and organization of the local chapter for approval by the Board.
b) Coordination with the Board. The chairperson of the Local Chapters Committee shall work with each chapter to gain Board approval of its proposed Bylaws. The local chapters shall inform the Board, through their respective presidents, of changes in Bylaws and of other issues of legal import.
c) Membership Relationships. All participants in local chapters shall be encouraged to be members of the Society. For the sake of education and the exchange of information, however, non-members may participate in chapter activities, with limited rights as defined hereinafter. Membership in the Society is requisite to holding any chapter office, balloting for such offices, or voting on issues in which the name of the Society shall be used or having impact beyond the local area.
d) Activities. Each chapter shall hold at least two (2) meetings a year, at least one of which shall be considered a business meeting. Copies of the minutes of business conducted shall be sent to the chairperson of the Local Chapters Committee within forty-five (45) days of the meeting. An annual report of activities and a financial statement shall be sent to the chairperson during the month of January. Chapters that fail to maintain the minimum schedule of meetings or to submit an annual report shall be considered to be suspended.
e) Public Role. Local chapters are encouraged to take responsible stands on matters of local public interest in areas of industrial archaeology. Voting on these issues shall be regulated as defined above. Publicity for these matters shall make clear that the position taken is done so in the name of the local chapter. No chapter shall issue any statement or take any public position suggesting the support of the Society without the express approval of the Board.
f) Tax Identification. Local chapters are encouraged to apply for their own separate tax identification number with the Internal Revenue Service. Local chapters are not to utilize the Society's tax identification number to conduct any chapter business such as maintenance of a bank account except in direct connection with an officially sanctioned event of the Society such as an Annual Conference or Fall Tour.
Committee Members
Chair: T. Arron Kotlensky
Membership Committee
To advise the SIA Board on matters relating to membership, including member relations, new membership recruiting and member retention. All recommendations are to be submitted to the board for its approval. Recommendations are not limited to new initiatives, but should re-examine existing policies and procedures as appropriate.
Note: Please send all member change of address/other information requests to the SIA hdq email at
Committee Members:
Chair: — Vacant —
Nanci Batchelor
James Bouchard
Ann Dichter
William McNiece
Lynn Rakos
Steven Walton
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee selects candidates for the Society's Board of Directors. Nominations are made from the ranks of the Society's membership and directors and officers are elected at the Society's Annual Business Meeting by a vote of the membership. SIA members are encouraged to suggest candidates from among the Society's membership by contacting members of the Nominations Committee listed below.
Committee Members
Diana Bouchard (2019 - 2022)
Marc Belanger (2020 - 2023)
Rebecca Burrow (2021 - 2024)
Ron Petrie (2022 - 2025)
The Presentations Committee issues calls for papers and selects papers for presentation at the Society's Annual Conferences. The committee is also responsible for scheduling paper sessions at the conferences.
Chair: David Simmons
Saul Tannenbaum
Christopher Marston
Robert Newberry
SIA Archives at the Smithsonian Institution
Copies of all SIA mailings, journals & newsletters are submitted to the SIA Archive at the Smithsonian.
Cathy Keen
National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
The Social Media committee plans and advises the SIA's engagement with various social media platforms.
Committee Members
Rebecca Burrow
Seth Price
Kyle Parker-McGlynn
Student Scholarship Committee
The Student Scholarship Committee promotes applications and selects the winning candidates for the annual SIA Student Travel Scholarships.
The SIA awards travel scholarships to help full-time students and professionals with less than three years of full-time experience to attend and participate in the SIA annual conferences and paper sessions. Interested students apply for these travel scholarships by submitting a concise letter outlining their demonstrated interest in and commitment to industrial archeology or a related field, and one letter of reference.
Committee Members
Chair: Patrick Harshbarger
Rebecca Burrow
Scott See
Seth Price
The Society for Industrial Archeology is the industrial heritage organization representing the United States in The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH).
Ron Petrie is the current TICCIH National Representative
Vogel Prize Committee
Committee members serve a term of five years, with the final year as chair of the committee. Each year one member rotates off and a new member is appointed by SIA's President and approved by the Board of Directors.
Each year the SlA recognizes outstanding scholarship within the field of industrial archeology with its Robert M. Vogel Prize. The award honors the author of the best article to appear in the Society's journal, lA, within the past three years. Articles under consideration have a clearly stated thesis, a well-constructed narrative, and an understandable conclusion. The analysis of material culture plays an important role in articles considered for the prize, as does the use of high-quality illustrations. The prize consists of a cash award and a wooden foundry pattern and plaque engraved with the recipient's name.
Vogel Prize Selection Committee:
Chair: Eric Nystrom (2015-2020)
Sean Gohman (2016-2021)
Mark Foster (2017-2022)
Fred Quivik (2018-2023)
Steven Walton (2019-2024)
The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) is the world organization for industrial heritage. Its goals are to promote international cooperation in preserving, conserving, investigating, documenting, researching, interpreting, and advancing education of the industrial heritage.
Although TICCIH members are both individuals and institutions, it is organized through national associations in those countries where there is a recognized national institution for industrial heritage. The SIA has been recognized as representing the United States in this forum, as spelled out in the agreement between the two organizations.
TICClH is in turn recognized by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) as the designated consultant in all matters related to the study and preservation of industrial heritage. lCOMOS is the global non~governmental organization dedicated to conservation of the world's historic monuments and sites. In particular, ICOMOS' network of experts counsels UNESCO on properties to be added to the World Heritage List. Therefore, TICCIH recommends historically significant industrial sites for the World Heritage List.
So, a key role for the SIA is to raise global awareness of America's industrial heritage by actively participating in TICCIH activities. This includes recommending U.S. sites for inclusion on the World Heritage List and sending our representative to international meetings. SIA also acts at TICCIH's representative in the U.S.
In 2007, the SIA formalized its longstanding relationship with TICCIH in a written agreement. This called for SIA to create a National Committee of at least seven members to oversee SIA's responsibilities in this regard and to select the TICCIH representative. The SIA Board recently decided that the Board itself would serve as the National Committee and that we would continue to elect the TICCIH representative by a vote of the membership.
U.S. Representative to the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH)
The mission of the U.S. TICCIH Representative is to increase the U.S. and SIA involvement with meeting TICCIH's mission and charter. The charter was passed by TICCIH in 2003.
Ron Petrie
U.S. Representative to TICCIH (2024-2027)