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Current Issue: Volume 44, Number 4, Fall 2015. Click here for front page and calendar page of newsletter In This Issue Call for SIA Officer Nominations…

Photograph above: Ryan Dam and Powerhouse: built at the Great Falls of the Missouri (also called Volta Falls) in 1915, this hydroelectric facility was built…

This gazetteer provides historic background on the linseed oil industry and detailed histories of more than 70 mills in the Garden State, which was a…

The West Point Foundry (1818-1912) began operating as a munitions contractor making cannon and shot. The foundry grew to employ hundreds of workers manufacturing a…

SIA Tour Road Rules Tours of active and former industrial sites are a key ingredient of the annual conferences and fall tours of the Society…

This applies to payment for the entire registration or to any separately-priced event, such as a banquet or optional tour, that is part of the event…

About Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hotel & Travel Schedule at-a-glance: Sunday, October 5 Visit Madison or Clifty Falls State Park on your own Opening…

About Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hotel & Travel Tuesday, October 7 Breakfast available at 6:00 a.m. and is included in the registration fee Full…

About Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Hotel & Travel Monday, October 6 Full day process and site tours Breakfast available at 6:00 a.m. and…