It is with profound sadness that I pass along the news that two-time SIA President Vance Packard passed away on Oct. 27. Vance was an…

SIA is pleased to announce its YouTube channel, featuring talks and videos about industrial archeology. Visit us at the SocIndstArch channel on YouTube If you…

At each annual meeting and some fall tours and chapter events, SIA welcomes poster displays for research which is either just beginning or is not…

Thank you to all the members and non-members who responded to the SIA Membership survey run by the Michigan Tech School of Business last fall….

The old 46-acre Solvay Coke plant site in Milwaukee (#SIA2005 annual conf. tour stop) is to be redeveloped by Komatsu as what is being touted…

Thanks to all the members who participated in the online membership survey sent to all members in the early summer of 2018. In all, 285…

SIA members may wish to know of two recent losses of industrial buildings in Milwaukee (SIA conference 2009). The historic Gettleman Brewery malt house from…

IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology is planning an issue on “Atomic I.A.” for publication in 2020. Topics we are seeing are…

Houghton Co., MI, where the SIA headquarters are located, suffered severe flooding on Sunday 17 June 2018. The region was very hard hit with many…

The Membership Committee has recently done a study of the demographics of SIA members over time and has developed the following report. SIA Membership Report…