MIKE RABER Few, if any, currently active SIA members have done more professional work in industrial archeology than Michael Raber. Since 1980, he has run…

LOUISE TROTTIER Louise Trottier is the recipient of the 2022 Society for Industrial Archeology General Tools Award. The General Tools Award is the highest honor…

Vern Mesler is the recipient of the 2021 Society for Industrial Archeology General Tools Award. The General Tools Award is the highest honor that the…

Brian Shovers is the recipient of the 2020 Society for Industrial Archeology General Tools Award. The General Tools Award is the highest honor that the SIA…

Caption for above photo: 2019 General Tools Award Recipient David Simmons, left, with former SIA President Duncan Hay of the award committee. The General Tools…

Fred Quivik, 2018 Recipient of the General Tools Award (left), with committee chair Jet Lowe at the SIA Annual Business Meeting in Richmond, Va. Fred Quivik has…

Patrick Harshbarger, 2017 Recipient of the General Tools Award (left), with committee chairman Bob Frame. The recipient for the 2017 General Tools Award is a…

Duncan Hay (left) receives the General Tools Award from Charles Parrott at the 2016 SIA Annual Business Meeting in Kansas City. Duncan Hay is among…

EDWARD S. RUTSCH 1936-2003 ED’S FRIEND, HERB GITHENS, WROTE THE FOLLOWING OBITUARY Edward S. Rutsch the renowned industrial archeologist died Sunday at the age of…

Bob Frame – 2013 SIA General Tools Award Recipient Carol Poh presenting the 2013 General Tools Award to Bob Frame Photograph by Dennis Furbush This…