Books available for review

The Metalworkers: Robert Poole, His Ironworks, and Technology in 19th-Century America by Steven C. SwettJump to: Information for Reviewers | Information for Publishers | Upcoming Reviews

Books available for review in IA

(last updated 2 December 2024)

Kahn, Matthew E. and Mac McComas, Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021). 153 pp., softcover.
Montoya Mar, Francisco, Arqueología en la fábrica de dulces La Esperanza (Zacatecas, Mex.: Universidad Autonóma de Zacatecas, 2019). 193 pp., paperbound. [in Spanish]
The 1722 Waggonway Heritage Group, The Work Journals of William Dickson, Wright at Cockenzie, 1717-1745 (Scottish Record Society and Tanner Ritchie, 2022), 320pp. ISBN 978-0902054738
Christopher A. Whatley and Joanna Hambly (eds.), Salt: Scotland’s Newest Oldest Industry (Edinburgh: John Donald, 2023), 210 pp. ISBN 978-19-1090-0970.
Chris How, Historic French Nails & Fittings, 2nd ed. (TATHS, 2022). 187 pp. ISBN: 978-09-4767-3284.
Critical Connections book cover Lee Riedinger, Al Ekkebus, Ray Smith, and William Bugg, Critical Connections: The University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge from the Dawn of the Atomic Age to the Present (University of Tennessee Press, 2024). 488 pp. ISBN: 978-16-2190-6544.
Cathedrals of Industry

Michael L. Horowitz and James P. Holtje, Cathedrals of Industry: Exploring the Factories and Infrastructure that Made America (Abbeyville Press, 2024). 288 pp. ISBN: 978-07-8921-4980.

John K. Brown, Spanning the Gilded Age : James Eads and the Great Steel Bridge (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024). 365pp. ISBN: 978-14-2144-8626

Upcoming Reviews

The following books have been distributed to reviewers and should appear in an issue of IA soon:

Recently Published or coming in our next issue

Information for Reviewers

Reviews are typically c.500 words. To offer to review a book, please email the editor with your interest and relevant qualifications to

We also welcome short notices (<150 words) of recently published books on IA or IA-adjacent themes for the SIA Newsletter. Please email those to

Information for Publishers

IA is interested in reviewing all books whose topic is or is adjacent to industrial archaeology in its broadest sense. We welcome academic, mass market, small press, and publications from local historical societies. Our receipt of a book does not guarantee a review and we have limited capacity to review books in languages other than English (please contact us if you have a concern). Unsolicited material will not be retuned, but we do endeavor to find a reviewer for all books received.

Books for review may be sent to:

SIA Headquarters, Department of Social Sciences
Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295 USA.

For inquiries, contact us at 906•487•3272 or