Available IA Back Issues

Below please find a complete listing of available back issues of IA: The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology. To order journal issues online, add up the total price of the publication(s) plus $5 for postage and handling (for shipping within the United States; please call or email for shipping charges to non-U.S. addresses).



Vol. 1, No. 1

(1975) 80pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Nichols-Colby Sawmill in Bow, New Hampshire; Black Powder Manufacture; The Tooele Copper and Lead Smelter;The Coke Ovens at Union Bay; Ascutney Gravity-Arch Mill Dam: Windsor, Vermont 1834

Vol. 2, No. 1

(1976) 98pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Alexander Parris: Innovator in Naval Facility Architecture; 1818 Beam Engine and Sugar Mill in Haiti; The Olean-Bayonne Pipeline: A Preliminary SurveyTracks and Timber; The Rocky River Bridge: Triumph in Concrete;Swing Bridges on the Rideau Canal

Vol. 4, No. 1

(1978) 74pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Stone Rails Along the Patapsco; The Old Croton Aqueduct; Valley Crossings on the Old Croton Aqueduct; The “Duncan Bruce:” A Last Attempt to Revive the Sternwheel Towboat

Vol. 11, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Historians role in reconstructing Historic Engineering Structures: Parks Canada’s experience on the Rideau Canal; Hydraulic Mining Techniques of gold mining in Oregon; IA as a Museum Tool: Prospecting Drills in Northern Saskatchewan; the Lower Cover Grindstone Quarries (Nova Scotia)
Vol. 12, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Federal Tax incentives for IA (CT); Shaker Mills in Canterbury (NH); An Industrial smithy: Bear Creek, Yukon

Vol. 13, No. 1

(1987) 80 pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Surveying Historic Industrial Tidewater Sites: The Case of the B.C. Salmon Canning Industry; The Reading-Halls Station Bridge; Thomas Blanchard’s Woodworking Machines: Tracking 19th-century Technological Diffusion; Innovation and Change in the Antebellum Southern Iron Industry: An Example from Chattanooga, Tennessee

Vol. 14, No. 1

(1988) 82 pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Theme Issue: Springfield Armory; Conservative Innovators, Military Small Arms, and Industrial History at Springfield Armory, 1794-1918; Material Evidence of the Manufacturing Methods Used in “Armory Practice”; “A Whole Battalion of Stockers”: Thomas Blanchard’s Production Line and Hand Labor at Springfield Armory, 1892-1918; Little Kinks and Devices at Springfield Armory; 1892-1918

Vol. 18, Nos. 1&2

(1992) 136pp

Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

Industrial Archeology of American Iron and Steel; The Upper Forge at Valley Forge; An Industrial Archeological Survey of the Long Pond Ironworks, West Milford Township, Passaic County, New Jersey; Vermont’s 18th- and 19th-Century Blast Furnace Remains; A Revolution in Steel: Mass Production in Pennsylvania, 1867-1901; The Development of Modern Blast Furnace Practice: The Monongahela Valley Furnaces of the Carnegie Steel Company, 1872-1913; Men and Tongs: The Belgian Rod Mill at the Washburn Wire Company, East Providence, Rhode Island

Vol. 19, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Theme Issue, Cast and Wrought-Iron Bridges:  Surviving examples in US; First Cast-Iron bridge in US; Wrought-Iron Tubular Bowstring Bridge
Vol. 20, 1&2


Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

Theme Issue, IA in New Hampshire; Brick making, knitting mills, granite quarries, extensive photo essays, Alphabetical Index of Volumes 1-20. (176pp)  Note: This reduced price reflects that the binding on this double issue will come loose with normal use
Vol. 21, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Aesthetics in Canadian concrete bridges; rafts and river driving in Italy; American bridge technology in New South Wales; St. Clair tunnel; book reviews

Vol. 22, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Assembly-Line Architecture: Albert Kahn and the Evolution of the U.S. Auto Factory, 1905-1940; Aesthetics of a Modern Industry: Buildings of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad’s Scranton Yards; Archeological Perspectives on the Diffusion of Technology: An Example from the Ohio Trap Rock

Vol. 23, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Documenting Complexity: The Historic American Engineering Record and America’s Technological History.  Window glass technology, fertilizer and munitions, electrical power for the New Haven RR, measured and interpretive drawings
Vol. 23, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Structural steel field riveting, pneumatic riveting hammer; The Turcot Riveted Arch-Truss Bridge, Quebec, Canada

Vol. 24, No. 1

(1998) 80pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

A Mechanic in the Garden: Landscape Design in Industrial Rhode Island; Greenways in the Industrial City: Parks and Promenades along the Lowell Canals; Plats, Parks, Playgrounds, and Plants: Warren H. Manning’s Landscape Designs for the Mining Districts of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, 1899-1932
Vol. 24, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

National Bridge & Iron Works & Original Parker Truss;19th Century Iron Bridges of NE Scotland; Technological Evolution of Riveting Machines


Vol. 25, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Theme Issue: The Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), The Recording of Technological Heritage: Reflections on 30 Years’ Work; HAER Project Listing: HAER Recording Projects conducted by the Washington Office 1969-1998
Vol. 25, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Industrial Archaeology of New Jersey’s Terra Cotta Industry;  William Sellers and the Rationalization of Mechanical Engineering; Whither IA Conference;  Private Sector Industrial Archaeologists; IA in the State Historic Preservation Offices; Industrial Archaeology in Canada

Vol. 26, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Roland W Robbins & Iron Industry Sites in the NE US; The O’Brien  Malting Co. site, Klondike City, Yukon; The Dorrance Colliery Fan Complex, Wilkes-Barre, PA; IA & the 20th Century, Alameda CA corridor; Experimental  IA; IA & Heritage Preservation; Analysis & Interpretation of Artifacts in IA
Vol. 26, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

IA of retail coal yards in Upstate New York; requirement for Hardy Hydro plant (Michigan); World Heritage Convention & promoting industrial heritage; Multiple voices of fieldwork in IA; Archeology or heritage management: conflict  in training Industrial Archeologists;  Landscapes as industrial  artifacts; changing perceptions of the British industrial past
Vol. 27, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Covered locks of Wood Creek, sites & construction process (Oneida County, NY); Montevecchio Mining District (lead & zinc mining, 1848-1991): Sardinia, Italy; IA: assess its future, admire its past
Vol. 27, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Carp River Bloomery Iron Forge, Jackson Iron Co. UP of Michigan; America’s 19th Century British-Style Fireproof Factories;  History of Steamrollers
Vol. 28, No. 1


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Theme Issue: IA in Art; The Art of American Industry; Pennsylvania’s Anthracite Mines & Miners:  A portrait of Industry in American Art (1860-1940); Picturing the Pennsylvania Coal Industry in Word & Image; Deep Tunnels & Burning Flues: The Unexpected Political Drama in 1930s Industrial Production Prints; Vulcan: Birmingham’s (AL) Industrial Colossus (History of the 65 ft, 60 ton Vulcan statue)
Vol. 28, No. 2


Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

The Aldrich Change Bridge (Erie Canal/New York State): Evaluation of the Strength of Historic Bridge Iron : Enlightening the Past: The Phoenix, (AZ) Illuminating Gas & Electric Light Co.; Gravity Unloading Carts & Wagons: A century of Experimentation

Vol. 29, No. 1

(2003) 100pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Theme Issue: Waterpower, the Lachine Canal, and the Industrial Development of Montreal, Canada; Behind the Scene of the Lachine Canal Landscape; Navigation and Waterpower: Adaptation and Technology on Canadian Canals; Steam or Water Power ? Thomas C. Keefer and the Engineers Discuss the Montreal Waterworks in 1852; A Precipitous Decline, Steam as a Motive Power in Montreal: A Case Study of the Lachine Canal
Vol. 29, No. 2

(2003) 84pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Gold and Tailings: The Standard Mill at Bodie; Cutting it Back and Burning it Back: Archaeological Investigations of Charcoal Production in the Missouri; Heads, Tails, and Decisions In-Between: The Archaeology of Mining Wastes
Vol. 30, No. 1

(2004) 68pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Designing American Lenticular Truss Bridges 1878-1900; A Large Business: The Clintonville (NY) Site, Resources, and Scale at Adirondack Bloomery
Vol. 30, No. 2

(2004) 60pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

The “Poor Man’s Mill”: A Rich Vernacular Legacy; The Locomotives at Betchworth Lime Works in Southern England
Vol. 31, No. 1

(2005) 64 pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Extant Approach Spans of the Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge; Surplus Water, Hybrid Power Systems, and Industrial Expansion in Lowell (MA; GPR & Archaeological Excavations at the West Point Foundry, NY
Vol. 31, No. 2

(2005) 76 pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Evaluating Authenticity: Reconstructed Timber Swing Bridges; The F. & H. Benning Company Grinding Mill: A Case Study; Trace Elements Constraints on the Source of Silica Sand used by the Boston and Sandwich Glass Co.
Vol. 32, No. 1

(2006) 100pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Troubled Waters: Timbisha Shoshone, Miners, and Dispossession at Warm Spring; Industrial Archeology and Environmental Assessments; Sugar Mills, Technology, and Environmental Change: A Case Study of Colonial Agro-Industrial Development in the Caribbean
Vol. 32, No. 2

(2006) 80 pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Towers for Telegrams: The Western Union Telegraph Company and the Emergence of Microwave Telecommunications Infrastructure; The Evolution of the Warren, or Triangular Truss; Current Research on the Art of Industry-Artists at Work: Imaging Place, Work and Process
Vol. 33, No. 1

(2007) 56pp.

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

An Archaeological Survey of the Whiteport (NY) Cement Works; The Turnkey Factory: Technology Transfer from America to Spain in the Portland Cement Industry
Vol. 33, No. 2

(2007) 84 pp

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

St. Andrew’s Caméré Curtain Bridge Dam, Lockport, Manitoba, Canada by Robert W. Passfield; The Historical Significance of Tailings and Slag: Industrial Waste as Cultural Resource (Butte-Anaconda National Historic Landmark District, Montana) by Fredric L. Quivik: Industrial Plumbism: Antiquity to Modern Times (about industrial lead poisoning) by Lloyd B. Tepper
Vol. 34, No. 1&2 (2008)

188pp Published 2011

Member price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20


Industrial Archeology and Art: Negotiating the Past and Present; “Under a Spreading Chestnut-Tree”: The Blacksmith and His Forge in Nineteenth-Century American Art; Cropsey’s Paintings of the “Fog Company” and the Industrial Riverside of Hastings-on-Hudson;
 John White Alexander’s Industrial Lunettes for the Pennsylvania State Capitol: The Unfinished Story; From Mayville to Milwaukee: The Visual Culture of the Iron and Steel Industry in Southeastern Wisconsin;
 Maria Martinez, Industrial Designer;
 The Town That Photography Built: Images from the Consolidation Coal Company Photograph Collection, 1911–1946; From Monuments to Memory Sites: Representing Pennsylvania’s Anthracite Industry in Public Sculpture, 1855–2010; Connecticut’s Tobacco Industry: Harold Barbour, Jack Delano, and the WPA; Midwestern Images of Labor: Wisconsin Artists and Their Portrayal of Industry; Erich Mercker and “Technical Subjects”: Industrial Paintings in the Eras of Weimar and Nazi Germany
Vol. 35, No. 1&2

(2009) 140pp

Published 2012

Member price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20


Theme Issue: West Point Foundry; Industrial Archaeology and the West Point Foundry; The West Point Foundry in Larger Perspective; The Diary of the Setting-Out of the West Point Foundry from Gouverneur Kemble Diary; Founding A Foundry: The Diary of the Setting-Out of the West Point Foundry, 1817; Using Maps to Aid Our Understanding of a Site’s History; From Forest and Mine to Foundry and Cannons: An Archaeological Study of the Blast Furnace at the West Point Foundry; The Gun Foundry Recast; Housing A Foundry Community with a “Liberal And Philanthropic Spirit”; Two Seasons of Excavation at the 1865 Office Building at Scenic Hudson’s West Point Foundry Preserve.
Vol. 36, No. 1

(2010) 104pp

Published  2012

Member price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Data-Recovery Excavations at the Plaisance Plantation Sugarhouse, Louisiana; The Production and Negotiation of Working-Class Space and Place at Central Aguirre, Puerto Rico; Industrial Mercurialism: Agricola to the Danbury Shakes; The Rise and Fall of the California Stamp: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on the Aging of a Technology
Vol. 36, No. 2

(2010) 96pp

Member Price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Meeting the Challenge of a Renewable Energy Resource: Small-Scale Milling and Manufacturing in Southern New England; Reinventing the Waterwheel: Rediscovering the Knowledge of  Mid-Nineteenth Century Millwright in New England; Electrifying Independence Valley: Mining and Hydroelectricity in Nevada’s Northeastern Frontier (1896-1920); The Soviet Problem with Two “Unknowns”: How and American Architect and a Soviet Negotiator Jump-Started the Industrialization of Russia, Part I: Albert Kahn
Vol. 37, No. 1&2

(2011) 188pp

Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

Theme Issue: IA in Montana; “A Wonderful Piece of Engineering”: The Point of Rocks Segment of the Mullan Road and the Milwaukee Road Railroad in Mineral County, Montana; The Short Life of the Montana Smelter, a Custom Silver-Lead Smelter in Great Falls, 1889-1901; Coloma Mining District: Gold Mining and Community in Western Montana’s Garnet Range; From the Big Hole to Butte: The Origins and Evolution of a Rocky Mountain Municipal Water System; Underground Mine Maps & the Development of the Butte System at the Turn of the Twentieth Century; Architects as Designers of Pre-World War II, Large-Scale Technological Systems: Edward W. Tanner and the Design of the Fort Peck Townsite; From State-of-the-Art to Estate for the Arts: The Evolving Cultural Landscapes of the Western Clay Manufacturing Company & the Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts; Boom, Bust, and the Berkeley Pit: How Insiders and Outsiders Viewed the Mining Landscape of Butte, Montana
Vol. 38, No. 1

(2012) 108pp

Member Price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

“I trust there will be no failure . . .”: The Importance of Bricks and Brickmaking at Adirondack Iron and Steel Company’s Upper Works; Conspicuous Iron and the Cochituate Aqueduct Gatehouses: The Earliest Extant American Wrought-Iron Roof and Roof Trusses, and the Earliest Extant Cast-Iron Staircases for Public Use; The Cruttenden Carriage Works: The Development and Decline of Carriage Production in New Haven, Connecticut; The Material Significance of Carriage Drives to the Design of Central Park
Vol. 38, No. 2

(2012) 88pp

Member Price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

From the Archive to the Web 2.0: the Use of GIS and WebGS Applications in Industrial Archeology; The Iron Mountain Mine: Tracing a Montana Silver-Lead Mind from Success to Bust Through Engineering and Management Decisions; From Mary Furnace to Sharon Steel: The Evolution and Integration of the United States’ Last Manually Filled Blast Furnace, 1845-1963
Vol. 39, No. 1&2

(2013) 126pp

Published 2016

Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

It’s Not Time to be Wasted: Identifying, Evaluating, and Appreciating Mine Wastes in Michigan’s Copper Country; The Archeology of Coal Ash: An Industrial-Urban Solid Waste at the Dawn of the Hydrocarbon Economy; Nuisance, Source of Wealth, of Potentially Practical Material: Visions of Tailings in Idaho’s Couer d’Alene Mining District, 1888-2001; The Rise and Fall of the Tacoma Arsenic Industry; Infamous Past, Invisible Present: Searching for Bubbly Creek in the Twenty-First Century; “Junkyard Jamboree”: Hunting for Automotive Treasure in the Twentieth Century
Vol. 40, Nos. 1&2


Published 2016

Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

From Whalers to Weavers: New Bedford’s Urban Transformation and Contested Identities; A Peculiarly Valuable Oil: Energy and the Ecology of Production on an Early American Whale Ship; New Bedford: Whale Oil Refining Capital; The River and the Rail: The Industrial Evolution of the Port of New Bedford; Water Wealth: The Quest for Economic Revival and a Public Water Supply in Nineteenth-Century New Bedford, Massachusetts; Steam Mills in a Seaport: Power for the New Bedford Textile Industry; The Weave Sheds of New Bedford and their Place in American Industrial Architecture
Vol. 42, No. 2


Published 2018

Member Price: $5

Non-Member Price: $15

Evolution of the Hopewell Furnace Blast Machinery; A New, Historic Canal: The Making of an Erie Canal Heritage Landscape; The Timber Industry of the Early San Francisco Bay Region: Archaeology at the Loma Prieta Mill Site; Trace Element Time Markers as Proxies for the Calibration of Civil War-Era Sediment Accumulations at the West Point Foundry

Vol. 43, Nos. 1&2


Published 2020

Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

Theme issue: Intangibles in IA; Ariadne’s Gift: The Archeological Record of Industry; The Industrial Archeology of the Archgeology Industry; Didcot ‘A’; Social Contracts of the Mono-Industrial Town: A proposed typology of a historic phenomenon and contemporary challenge; Programmed Materials: An Archeology of Machinic Responsibility; Worker Skill in the Industrial Production of Decorative Wood Type Borders; In Search of the Primus Stove Artist; Embodied sonic memories of commuting underground
Vol. 44, Nos. 1&2


Published 2020

Member Price: $10

Non-Member Price: $20

Theme Issue: HAER at 50; Bridges, Rockets, Cars, and Boats: HAER at 50; HAER Documentation: Embracing Digital Metrology and Its Derivatives; The Education of an Icon: An Interview with Robert M. Vogel; HAER MI-2: Unintended Consequences of the Quincy Mine Recording Project; HAER and My Career in Industrial Archeology; Peeling Back Layers: Drawing Industrial Sites and Structures for HAER; The Historic American Engineering Record and the Making of a Public Historian; Buckeye Reflections on HAER’s Legacy; CRM Careers Seeded by HAER Summer Internships; Falling Through the Portals of History; The Historic American Engineering Record and Me: 1980 Until Now
Vol. 45, No. 1


Published 2021

Member Price: $5

Non-Member Price:


Jacob Estey, the Estey Organ Company and the Harmonious Town of Brattleboro, Vermont; Industrial Archaeology on the Bayou Teche: archaeological exploration of the Lutzenberger Iron Foundry, New Iberia, Louisiana; Dust, Disability, and Death: Silicosis Through the Ages
Set of available back-issues as listed above USA Member Only Price: $145 Set (from Vol. 1 to Vol. 45) of available issues as listed above (as supplies last). Special USA Member only price: $145 (includes USA shipping) Members outside of USA please email sia@siahq.org for additional shipping charges.