SIA 2014 Fall Tour – Monday October 6, 2014 Events
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Monday, October 6
- Full day process and site tours
- Breakfast available at 6:00 a.m. and is included in the registration fee
- Check registration packet for tour departure times
- Tour One will include Madison and nearby areas
- Tour Two will include sites in and around Columbus and Seymour
- Lunch included with both tours
- Dinner on your own
Tour One – In and around Madison
Clifty Creek Power Plant – Clifty Creek Power Plant is a 1.3 GW coal fired plant that began generating electricity in 1955. It was originally built to provide power for the Atomic Energy Commission’s gaseous diffusion plant for uranium enrichment in Piketon, Ohio. Since 2003, the plant has provided electrical power to consumers through about twelve different companies primarily in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. In 2013, Clifty Creek completed a major renovation including installation of mechanical and chemical sulfur scrubbers.
Jefferson County Historical Society/Madison Railroad Incline – The Madison, Indianapolis & Lafayette Railroad began construction in 1836 as the first railroad in Indiana. It included construction of the Madison Incline that covers 7,012 feet while rising 412 feet, a 5.89% incline. The first trip up the inline was November 3, 1841. The JCHS is housed in the former Madison Railroad Station constructed in 1894.
Royer – Royer is the only remaining manufacturing plant in downtown Madison. Royer makes and digitally prints plastic disposables for the food service and floral design markets including swizzle sticks, food picks and floral picks.
Ben Schroeder Saddletree Factory – Saddletrees are the wooden frames upon which horse saddles are built. The Schroeder Saddletree factory was opened in 1878 and operated until 1972. While it underwent many modifications over the years, it remained a family operation and was little changed after 1940. The factory was catalogued, documented, analyzed then reconstructed by Historic Madison, Inc. Some machines will be operated.
City Fire Museum – Madison has a long history of volunteer fire departments including Fair Play Fire Company #1 founded in 1841, the oldest active fire company in Indiana, and Washington Fire Company #2 founded in 1847 and operating out of its original fire station, the oldest active fire station in Indiana. The City Fire Museum is located in the original Walnut Street Fire Company #4 building. It contains a collection of fire equipment that predates motorized vehicles along with material on the six Madison volunteer fire companies that continue to serve the community today.
Madison Railroad – The Madison Railroad operates on a 25-mile long mainline that is owned by the City of Madison. It operates from upper Madison to a CSX connection at North Vernon, a portion of the original Madison and Indianapolis Railroad that first operated in 1841. The railroad also operates 17 miles of track in an industrial park (former Jefferson Proving Grounds) and about 10 track miles for car storage.
Tour Two – Columbus, Walesboro, Seymour and Cortland
Rose Acre Farms – Rose Acre Farms is a producer and processer of commodity and specialty chicken eggs and egg products. It traces its origins to the 1930s. It is headquartered in the Seymour area and operates 17 facilities in six Midwestern and southeastern states. We will visit CortAcres that operates as both a farm with some 3,000,000 hens and an egg processing facility. This tour will visit the egg inspection, grading and processing facility. While we will not be visiting the portion of the facility with hens, individuals who have pet birds or who have visited a poultry facility within 72 hours may not take part in this tour. Additionally, visitors may not wear earrings, bracelets, necklaces, watches or rings. They may remain in your pocket. Hats /hairnets and shoe covers will be provided and required for some portions of the tour.
Seymour Manufacturing – Seymour Manufacturing produces hand tools at the same site where it began operation in 1872. It manufactures a range of hand tools including posthole diggers, shovels, rakes, hoes, snow tools and brooms. Wooden handle manufacture begins with logs that are fully processed on site. It manufactures snaths most of which are exported to Great Britain and is the world’s largest manufacturer of hog rings. It manufactures many specialty tools such as rice shovels, beet hoes and potato forks. Most of its sales are to commercial users.
Cummins MidRange Plant – This plant manufactures 6.7 l turbo diesel engines used in Dodge RAM trucks. The facility was designed as a green facility with most manufacturing belowground and parking on the roof. This visit will include a tour of the operating production line. All on the tour must be wearing closed toed shoes. Sleeved shirts and long trousers are required.
Cummins Engine Headquarters Building – Cummins is a manufacturer of diesel and natural gas engines in sizes ranging from 1.4 to 91 liters. It was founded in 1919 in Columbus where its global headquarters remains. The Headquarters building contains an exhibit of some of the historic and currently manufactured engines.
Monday Evening
Tours will return to Clifty Inn by 6:00 p.m. Evening meal is on your own. A listing of area restaurants will be provided. Evening meal is also available at Clifty Inn