SIA 2014 Fall Tour – Wednesday October 8, 2014 Events
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This Wednesday tour is optional at $45 per registrant.
Wednesday, October 8
- Breakfast available at 6:00 a.m. and is included in the registration fee
- Optional tour to Lawrenceburg and down along the Ohio
- Lunch is included for those registering for the optional tour
- Alternate of on your own visits to Madison, Columbus or other sites
Optional Tour – Lawrenceburg and along the Ohio
MGP Distillery – This distillery location dates to 1847. It was owned and operated by Seagram for many years. MGP currently operates the distillery, which produces beverage alcohol including vodka, gins, bourbon and whiskeys.
George Street Bridge, Aurora – This bridge is a double-intersection Pratt (Whipple) through truss bridge constructed in 1887 by the Lomas Forge and Bridge Works. Formerly carrying US and Indiana highways, it remains open for local traffic.
Laughery Creek Bridge – This bridge is a triple-intersection Pratt through truss bridge constructed in 1878 by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company south of Aurora. It formerly carried IN-56 over Laughery Creek, which divides Dearborn and Ohio Counties. This 300 foot span bridge is the only known remaining example of its kind. It remains open to pedestrian traffic.
Laughery Creek Bridge from a brochure produced by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company – ca 1884
Markland Locks and Dam – The Markland Locks and Dam were constructed in 1956-64 and replaced five earlier dams. They are located 26.5 miles upriver of Madison and include a main and auxiliary lock. A hydroelectric plant operates as a part of the dam.
Switzerland County Historical Society – The Switzerland County Historical Society was founded in 1925. The tour will visit the Society’s River History Museum located in Vevay. Vevay served as an important 19th century river community. The River History Museum includes documents, artifacts and steamship models that relate to the steamboat era of the Ohio and Vevay.
The tour will return to Clifty Inn by 4:00 p.m., which will conclude the Fall Tour.